
29.04.2012 Picasso.Improvisation.Cycle«Art». Painting. acrylic
Picasso.Improvisation.Cycle«Art». Painting. acrylic This is impression- an allegory of "cubic quirks" painting of the 20th century.   The hero of the picture is a composite image of all the artists of the Cubist, famous and unknown. Everyone...
29.04.2012 Intersectionprobabilities. Painting. Acrylics
Intersectionprobabilities. Painting. Acrylics Crossroads – is a kind of conditional place, an intermediate state of pure ideas of reason towards the realization of. Herewith, Idea(the central figure in the picture) has an unlimited number of d...
29.04.2012 "Gothic impersonation ". Cycle"Architecture. Gothic". Painting. Oil paint
"Gothic impersonation ".  Cycle"Architecture. Gothic". Painting. Oil paint Cycle “Architecture. Gothic" devoted to the question of the correlation  of form and content, particularly in the architecture of the Gothic style.   The main idea of ​...
29.04.2012 "Anatomy of the Gothic". Cycle " Architecture. Gothic". Painting. Oil paint
"Anatomy of the Gothic". Cycle  " Architecture. Gothic". Painting. Oil paint Cycle “Architecture. Gothic". Devoted to the question of the relationship of form and content, particularly in the architecture of the Gothic style.   Painting "The Ana...
29.04.2012 "Violist Danilov. Creative ecstasy ".Series" Art ". Painting. Oil.
"Violist Danilov. Creative ecstasy ".Series" Art ". Painting. Oil. The main character of the picture - is a musician from the of the same name literary work of V. Orlov. The space of the picture is filled with a portrayal of the internal state of the soul m...
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